Is your kitchen feeling crowded? The kitchen is an easy place to collect clutter. We spend so much time in the kitchen, really more than any other room in the house.
Let’s talk about 5 kitchen categories you can declutter to reduce stress.
1. Duplicates
Duplicates are very common in most kitchens!

When we replace something that breaks, we usually forget to throw the old one out! That clutter builds up till we can’t open our utensil drawer anymore.
You don’t have to reduce every category to one item, but do you really need four sets of tongs? Two can openers? Eight wooden spoons?
Evaluate what you really use and give the rest away to a good home.
Not sure where to donate in the Upstate?
Miracle Hill Thrift Stores are a part of Miracle Hill Ministries, which supports homeless adults and children in MANY ways.
Safe Harbor, which serves survivors of domestic violence and their children, accepts donations for their ReSale Shop and their shelter.
Just For Today Recovery provides a godly home for women recovering from addiction, and accepts donations for their thrift store and their recovery houses. These three non-profits do amazing work – let’s support them however we can!!!!
2. Broken Anything

Have you had something sitting around taking up valuable cabinet or counter space because you were going to fix it “one day?” How long ago was that promise?
This one is hard for some of us. How broken is too broken to keep? Too broken to donate? We want to be good stewards. Sometimes being a good steward of your space means letting your stuff go.
This is your chance to be kind to yourself and your family by being realistic. If you’re not going to fix it, share it with someone who can fix it, or trash it.
What kind of items might be in this category? Rubber spatulas that are melted down, electric appliances that no longer work, Tupperware with missing lids, dishware that’s too chipped to use safely anymore.

TIP: Consider the dignity of the person receiving or buying this item secondhand. Don’t donate if the item is unfixable.
Here’s the truth: you’re not using as many water bottles as you think you’re using.
If it’s hard for you to let go of water bottles, give yourself grace. A water bottle can be sentimental, functional, or expensive – and sometimes all three. If you are having trouble paring them down, try this:

- Take them ALL out. I’m talking cabinets, kids backpacks, mudroom, car, you name it.
- Separate into how they’re used/who uses them. For example, you might have water bottles for the beach, for biking, or for each kid during the school year.
- Discard any broken bottles, bottles without lids, or grungy, dirty bottles.
- Look at your empty cabinet space. Do you want to put them all back? If yes, put them all back. If no, go ahead and make decisions. If not ready to say goodbye, move onto the next bullet point.
- Take another week to use the remaining water bottles. At the end of the week, go back to your cabinet. What didn’t you reach for? Which ones are stuck at the back of the cabinet? Can you say goodbye to those today? If you didn’t use it in a typical week and it’s not saved for a special purpose (like biking or beach days), let it go.
4. Reusable Bags

I am a FAN of reusable bags. We use them all the time. But we get so many – from the grocery store, as freebies – that they can quickly overwhelm my kitchen. And I bet yours, too.
So from time to time, declutter what you have and keep only what you need.
If you need less for groceries but more bags for the car (or for different areas of your house) divide up the bags you have and store in those other areas.
5. Special Gadgets

You know the ones I am talking about…that waffle and panini maker that you used once. The vegetable chopper and juicer that never come out of the deep cabinet. Or that are sitting on your countertop everyday… just taking up space.
BIG BUT HERE: every family is different.
If you or your family uses a special purpose gadget because waffles are your Sunday morning TRADITION or you use a vegetable chopper for your meal prep, do not get rid of that thing. You use it! You love it!
But what is your version of the waffle maker or chopper? What item is collecting dust and taking up space?
How could you use the space that gadget is taking up if you chose to let it go?
What would it mean to your mental health to have physical space when you’re cooking, entertaining, or putting the dishes away? Let it go.
If you are afraid of the financial loss of getting rid of that item, consider how you could be creative in the kitchen to accomplish the same task without that gadget, or if you could borrow from a neighbor or family friend on a special occasion.
That’s it!! Declutter one category at a time, or do it all in one huge chunk!! When you’re done, take a moment to remember how this feels. Ahhhh.

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