I’m turning 40 this month. It’s a season of reflection. I’m thinking about so many things. Meeting Chris. Becoming a mom. Being a business owner. This particular stage of life. The upcoming holidays!

I’ve developed helpful personal rhythms for myself over the past 40 years. But when life gets busier or as seasons change, I still end some days saying, “what just happened? where did the day go?!”
I’ve learned time to myself + asking good questions make all the difference in resetting my focus.
Waking up just a little earlier for a walk, squeezing a lemon into my water to rehydrate, a good breakfast, quieting myself, sitting on the back steps to soak in the sun mid-afternoon, making a nice cup of coffee.
The habits restore + sustain me in every season. But I didn’t just fall into these habits.
First I leaned on the one thing that’s truly changed my life: questions. I start any task (for myself or my clients) by asking A LOT of questions. More than I think I need to. And at the end of the day, I’m so glad I did.
This month I’ve created a guided reflection for myself and the Upstate Organized Living community. I hope a time of reflection brings you physical peace and emotional health. Experiment with new habits that bring you joy!
And P.S. busy moms I see you. I know it feels like you can’t have even 5 minutes to yourself. And really, you might not. But today I encourage you to fight for it. Fight for 15 minutes to yourself each day. Why don’t you start with this reflection?
- Choose place to sit where you feel safe (is it outdoors, indoors?)
- Gather something to write with and on (could be your phone, but I recommend pen and paper for long lasting memory)
- Consider extras for your five senses (candles, music, snacks, etc.!)
Start with free form writing.
What will this new season bring? Fears, hopes, challenges you’re facing. What comes up when you have a few minutes to yourself?
Don’t worry if you don’t consider yourself a writer or a journaler. Bullet points are great, too.

- When do I feel the most like “me?”
- What’s different about me than most women I know?”
- Do I believe that I deserve time for myself? Why?
- Would I benefit if I created time for myself? How?
- Can I commit 15 minutes every day to “me”?
- What is one action I can take to simplify my schedule in this upcoming season?
- What is one tradition I am looking forward to this year?
- Is there something I used to do that feels difficult in this stage of life? Do I want to reconnect with that activity? If yes, what steps can you take to reconnect with that activity?
- What is the one thing I can do today to start making time for myself?
Thank you for sitting with me and reflecting with me! I hope you discover something new (or something old and beautiful) waiting just for you.

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