If something’s going to stick for me, it has to be balanced, easy to eat on the go, easy to pull from my pantry or fridge.
And it HAS to be creative so I don’t get bored and quit the whole lunch rhythm altogether.
A summer lunch formula is a simple way to eat well while soaking up every last bit of sunshine.

Here’s what you’ll need:
- Protein
- Something to hold your protein (bread, crackers, pita, etc.)
- Fruit
- Veggie
- Chips
- Healthy fat (like nuts – so good for longevity + energy!)
- Fun drink
- Sweet something
- Turkey Sandwich on whole grain or sourdough bread, sliced apple, cucumber sticks, walnuts, classic chips, a piece of dark chocolate. And a delicious Rasberry Lime Spindrift.

2. PB & J: Organic Almond/Peanut Butter and Jelly or Honey on whole grain bread. Old Tyme Country Store, Lowes Food, and Swamp Rabbit Cafe are so good for local jam. I love honey from Hampton Acres, in Pelzer, S.C. It’s pure honey. Made by people who’ve worked here for generations! Eat it with with bbq chips (a must combo!!), cuties and celery sticks. And a lemon limeade spindrift. (This lunch combo already has healthy fat and protein with the peanut butter!)
3. A pita with tuna salad (we love the Wild Planet tuna), carrots and hummus, strawberries, a piece of dark chocolate, blue corn tortilla chips, and a pineapple spindrift. Almonds are so good here. These are the BEST chips – made with organic blue corn, organic expeller-pressed sunflower oil, and sea salt.
What combos will you make this summer?!
P.S. If this blog was helpful for you, check out these cookies for ALL your picnics.
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