I don’t know about you, but this time of year always sneaks up on me.

Change happens fast and a lot, well, most of the time faster than we can seem to keep up. Even though everybody’s life looks different in this season, we all want warmth, traditions, and celebrations with a little less… stress.
So how do we do that?
Let’s practice reflection NOW so that we can give our brains a break LATER!
Do you have your journal ready? Or a scrap piece of paper? Writing it down is a simple trick that really works.
When all your thoughts are on one page you may feel relieved, or you may feel overwhelmed seeing them all on there. Remember, you don’t have to fix all these problems. It’s more the opportunity to START mindfulness.
Simply follow the prompts below to think through what really matters to you and what is an easy no.
One tip before you reflect: this fall remember it is your life and you choose what to do with your time. Things can get crazy, so give yourself permission to say no. Over obligating yourself can get out of control really fast.
Sometimes we can find the joy in missing out.

What are my favorite holiday smells? Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas.
What is an activity everyone else seems to enjoy but I do not enjoy? Are there good reasons to keep participating? To stop participating?
Could I commit 15 minutes to myself every day? When? What might that look like?

What is one tradition I am looking forward to this year?
What things (people, decor, food, errands, movies, etc.) stress me out around the holidays? List them all!
What food are you most looking forward to eating?

Who or what are you being drawn towards this Christmas? Is there a dream or passion project you have on your heart?
What is one thing I can do this month to simplify the holidays? 4 ways to transition your kitchen to fall is a good starting place.
Would I feel happier if I was spending more time indoors or outdoors?

Would cooking things ahead of time make holiday meals easier?
What is my favorite music to listen to this holiday season?
Who are my favorite people to be with this season?
Praying that you know Jesus and experience his love this Christmas. Any sense of peace, my sense of purpose, my push to create beauty and order from chaos comes from my Savior, Jesus Christ. He calms the storms and steps into our mess to love us with gentleness and strength. He is humble and powerful, and I pray you know him.

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