I’m so excited about this week!! We don’t always have days or even hours to get organized but there are always little things you can do to make a big difference.
Tackle the little things that hang over your head and fill up that precious thinking space!!! There’s clutter and there’s mental clutter… and they go together!
Set your timer for 5 minutes and let’s make a difference in your life today.
Let’s go!

Ever have text messages hanging over you head? Grab your phone, set the timer, and knock out those responses you’ve been meaning to send.
Sit down for five minutes and just go through your email inbox and text messages!!
I promise you will feel so much better.

Mail is a huge one for me. I throw away junk immediately when I come in the door, but mail that has to be addressed is a challenge. Grab it and set your timer.
Try this tip from theorderlyspace to get started.
Experiment with what works for you!! Do you need piles for each person in your family? Piles for file, to-do, and shred?
Experiment and remember you’re never stuck – you can always adjust… just go through it in five minutes to build your mail muscles!!

Designate an outgoing area for things that need to be donated, things that need to go back to someone, library books, etc.
Just make a little area by the door and say, “this is my basket for outgoing things…” Takes five minutes.
BONUS: once you’ve already found that place, do a five-minute sweep of the house to find the odds and ends that need to be returned. You may be running to get it done in five minutes, but hey, why not 🤣 🤣 🤣

Look near your outgoing stuff… what’s an easy place you can put your keys EVERY DAY?
I use a little pot near my door bench for my keys so I always have what I need when I head out the door!
Oh, and my sunglasses are in there, too.
Give your keys a home to never lose them again.

JUST SHIRTS! Don’t do the whole closet… trust me.
Shirts are a quick and easy way to make a BIG difference in your closet or drawers.
If you’ve got piles of clothes you “tried on” that morning that you didn’t wear, hang them back up!
If your t-shirt drawer is giving you the heebeegeebees, do a quick file fold for one drawer.
Finding the time to do big organizing projects can sometimes be a challenge!
We have the best of intentions but when we go to do them we can sometimes get overwhelmed with how long they will take.
Breaking down projects into smaller chunks of time can really help us to be able to feel like we can accomplish the project.
How did you feel about this exercise? You can try it with larger projects, too! Set a timer for 20 minutes, or 40. This helps you check in with yourself so you don’t burn out. And it’s always good to schedule a snack break.

If you love projects, you might also like this post on how to refresh your nightstand or under your kitchen sink for your next weekend project.
If you need a cheerleader & friend to walk you through the decluttering process, call me!

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